- The Blackest Greenest Product
Yet !!
- Made from tyre factory off-cuts
and pure rubber
- Won't crack in the frost.
or go brittle in the sunlight
- Can be trodden on or rolled
on without damage
- Will not rust. rot or crack
like plastic or steel
- Lasts longer, so therefore
IS cheaper
Small Heavy Duty Rubber Dustbin
- Dimensions
520mm x 480mm dia
- 75Litre capacity
- Complete with
snug fitting lid that won't blow away
- Two top handles
for ease of lifting
- Ideal for
waste skeps or metal swarf skips
Weight 9Kgs

Large Heavy Duty Rubber Dustbin

Ideal for waste
skeps or metal swarf skips
Buckets, troughs, skips, bushel baskets, tubs for agriculture, horticulture,
equestrian and building trades
Rubber rubble chutes for building refurbishments;- THE quietest, longest
lasting chute on the market, ideal for refurbs when tenants are present. THE
only chute with a 12 month guarantee ! |